A quilt is a handmade gift that brings warmth, comfort, and hope to people of all ages. The Nobility of a Quilt donates finished quilts to organizations within the community who are dedicated to giving hope to people in need. With your donations, we are able to finish quilts that will provide comfort, warmth, and hope.

The Nobility of a Quilt has donated to organizations such as:
- Elk River Guardian Angels
- Perspectives of Minneapolis
- Running for Justice
- Quilts of Valor
- Home of the Brave Quilts
- Abba Pregnancy Resource Center
- Children’s Hospital
- Women’s Shelter
You too can help bring hope into someone’s life, whether it’s through a monetary gift or the donation of a quilt. Your generosity touches a life and paves a path of hope for their future.

Hope restored, one woman at a time.